DRB Associates UK

Specialising in  military and commercial aircraft arresting systems

Contact: Ian Barnicoat T: 01689 838104 | M: 07909515000 | E: ian.barnicoat@drbassociatesuk.co.uk

UK representative for Zodiac Arresting Systems

DRB Associates has been involved in the Defence and Security world since the early 1970’s.

For over 10 years, DRB Associates worked closely with both the Egyptian Air Force Reconnaissance Department and the Ministry of Interior Security Force in Egypt. During this time, DRB Associates became involved with one of the major arresting systems companies in the USA that is now incorporated within Zodiac Arresting Systems.

Since 1984, DRB Associates has been the UK Representative and has been involved in marketing and supporting both military and commercial aircraft arresting systems here in the UK.

All the arrester systems used by the Royal Air Force are supplied and supported by Zodiac Arresting Systems.

In 2010 DRB Associates assisted the Atomic Energy Authority and Atkins in carrying out studies for the the UK CAA concerning the safety of commercial aircraft arresting systems. Subsequently, a policy statement was issued by the UK CAA, approving the use of EMAS beds within the RESA and even within the Runway Strip, in certain circumstances.

Zodiac Arresting Systems’s EMASMAX is the only fully tested and approved EMAS system in the world.

DRB Associates, UK representatives for Zodiac Arresting Systems (formerly ESCO) Arresting Systems