DRB Associates UK

Specialising in  military and commercial aircraft arresting systems

Contact: Ian Barnicoat T: 01689 838104 | M: 07909515000 | E: ian.barnicoat@drbassociatesuk.co.uk

UK representative for Zodiac Arresting Systems

Every military mission presents its own unique challenges, and Zodiac Arresting Systems (formerly ESCO) ancillary systems provide a variety of auxiliary products to configure your aircraft arresting system in order to meet those challenges. We can offer a custom solution for optimum operational performance and mission effectiveness. Our auxiliary systems are fully compatible with our energy absorbers or engagement system combinations.

Barrier Nets


The High Performance (HP) Net is compatible with a wide range of jet aircraft, with higher operating weights, higher engaging speeds, complex wing and fuselage structures, and a variety of external stores.  HP Nets can be customised for almost any application. The variable window design automatically adjusts to the geometry of the engaging aircraft.

The quality, design and durability of the HP Net series offer immediate long-term cost savings through greater safety, extended service life, expanded capability and reduced requirements in maintenance, installation and inventory.

Runway Edge Sheaves


Runway edge sheaves allow the energy absorbers to be located away from the runway edge. They:

Radio Remote Control


Radio Remote Control equipment can operate up to four arresting systems from a single central command location without the need for costly hard-wire links between the control tower and the arresting sites.

All system components are readily accessible for simple maintenance and easy trouble-shooting. The Central Command Unit continuously polls the Remote Units electronically to maintain communication signal integrity and provide ATC personnel with the ability to monitor the operational status of the aircraft arresting equipment at all times.


Military Aircraft Arresting Systems: